Sunday, June 14, 2015

Mango Blueberry Milky Smoothie Smoothie series

I am going to be doing a series of smoothie recipes. I like smoothies especially when I make them:)
For me I like to drink them before breakfast. When I feel really dehydrated I make a smoothie,
I feel like a sponge getting all hydrated. You can make them in what ever fruit you like,
also you can make "savory" smoothies if you don't like very sweet one. In the series I will
be giving you many recipes:) The first one is Mango Blueberry, this one is very special, you would
never think of this combination but it really really works. The mango is the high note but the
blueberry almost turns into a cream with blueberry flavor. It just works and you can't stop drinking
it:) When making smoothies you don't have to have a fancy blender, a stick blender works like
a charm. Happy smoothie making:)

Mango Blueberry Milky Smoothie
makes 11/2 cups ( depends on the size of the fruit)

1 mango
1/2 cup milk (I used almond milk)
1/4 cup blueberries
2 good Tablespoons of blueberry yogurt ( I used soy based yogurt)

Wash all fruit, peel mango and blend until creamy.
Serve immediately!!!
                                                           Birch Life