Sunday, March 29, 2015

Vegan breakfast Parfait Simple

This one of my favorite breakfasts or desserts, super simple to make. You will need rice puffs, they are not rice crispy. Rice puffs are soft in texture, and absorb quicker then the rice crisps. You can also find millet and quinoa puffs they work well.You can find them at the health store or even the grocery store. Some are dipped in honey, they are on the crunchy side, you can use either one. I make it for breakfast and when it is setting I finish my morning routine. Enjoy!


serving one
one mug or taller glass

Just start to layer
1 Tablespoon soy yogurt or rice yogurt
then 2 Tablespoon rice puff then keep layering until
desired height. You can also add fruit (fresh or frozen ) to each layer.
Jams or jellies work well too.
Leave to set for 15 to 20 minutes.
If you leave to long the texture can get quit soft,
you can eat it like that but I like a little texture.

                                                                  Birch Life