Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Smooth Mango Peach Frozen Strawberry Smoothie The last one of The Smoothie Series

The final recipe in the smoothie series!
Thank you, to all of you that have really enjoyed the series.
I love to create in recipes, so don't think I won't be working hard on new ones:)
If you have a idea or suggestion, email me or write me on Facebook.
The final recipe is a delicious smoothie, it combines mango, peaches with
frozen strawberry's, you get a smooth and creamy texture, and the frozen
berry's give you a nice cool down when it is hot outside:)
Peaches are a great treat, there is something special when you eat a
juicy, sweet peach, it gives my a big smile:)
They have a nice amount of liquid, so you don't have to add a extra liquid!
I like adding mango to smoothies it just gives it a thickness, without
adding cream!
Even a whole mango and a few Tablespoons of yogurt blended together
is really a great treat!
Start experimenting with mango and you will find a new Love:)
                                                                    Birch Life

Smooth Mango Peach Frozen Strawberry Smoothie
Makes 2 cups +

1 mango
2 peaches
1 cup frozen strawberries
3 Tablespoons of yogurt (I used vanilla, vegan)
1 Tablespoon of fresh lemon juice

Wash fruit, peel mango, take stone out of peaches, and
add everything to blender.
If you need more liquid, add a little vegan milk(whatever kind you like)
but you shouldn't have too:)

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