Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Ground Cherries (Physalis) Why they are so good and what are they?

I first saw ground cherries on a torte, at a cafe in Salzburg Austria.
They where presented on top of a chocolate torte, the paper like wrapper they are
en robbed in was pulled back and a bright orange round berry was exposed.
The person I was with, had the torte and the berry, and they said it was sooooo
That has been a few years ago, but one day they popped up in my local market.
So I had to buy them. I was so curious about the flavor, that I went home to try them immediately.
Here is a picture, so you can see what they look like as a tell you about them!!

They look like a Chinese lanterns, they have a paper like wrapper over them, so you peel back the wrapper
and there is a small round berry. They are a size of a cherry and are bright orange even in the middle.
I put a blueberry next to them so you can see the size.
When you take off the wrapper they have a oily feel to them. Even when you wash them they maintain that oil. Doing research on them I found out that they are very high in vitamin C and vitamin A. Ground cherries
are in the night shade family. People have also used them for medicinal medicine all over the world. They mostly grow in subtropical areas, a large amount come out of Columbia for export. Now the taste, you are wondering, they have a tomato texture and a cherry flavor with a burst of grapefruit. They have tiny little seeds in them. You just pop into your mouth and enjoy. They also  have a lot of pectin which is good for jam making, but they don't last very long here to make jam;)
You can also buy them dried. I have not tried them dried but they say they have a more intense flavor!
So the next time you see them at the store buy some and enjoy the experience. 
 Birch Life