My first posting on my blog ahhhh kind of nervous but excited too! My blog is going to be a bit of everything everyday living. Teaching,sharing ideas and thoughts of everyday life,that's why I called it Birch life. The birch tree is a good symbol for life because it likes to grow with other trees and we need each other to share our ideas and thoughts,even just to talk. The trees also do many things.They can be used for many purposes furniture,leather,tanning,toys and paper,just like us we have many things hobbies interests, work. Also purifies and renews which is great as people we go through things and we have to renew our self and purify sometimes our thoughts. I want to share many things and maybe have a laugh or too,but most important that we have each other to share things with or ideas and maybe learn something new or even better try something new! So I hope you enjoy my blog and ideas and leave a comment!
Birch life
Birch life