There is something special about eating a smooth velvety cool pudding:)
I have eaten this for breakfast even!
The addition of peaches brings it to a different level.
You really never see peaches and chocolate, but it is a good combo!
If you don't have peaches or you don't like them, try a different fruit
you like.
Anything works for this recipe, even a different flavor of milk.
This recipe makes a good amount, the pan I used was 25 1/2 cm by 16 1/2 cm or
10 in by 6 1/2 inches
Smooth Vegan Chocolate Pudding with layered Sweet Peaches
serves 6 to 8 large portions or 10 to 12 smaller
5 ripe peaches
1 liter milk (I used oat milk, chocolate)
6 Tablespoons potato starch
4 Tablespoons raw sugar( you can leave out if you don't want it too sweet)
3 crisp cookies (I used gluten free)
Small stock pan pour 3/4 of the liter of milk, with the rest pour in small bowl
and mix in starch and sugar, stir until well combined.
On medium heat, heat milk until it is warm to touch and add in starch and sugar mixture.
Stir until thickened 5-7 minutes. Every stove top is different, so stir until thickened.
Remove from heat and put in bowl to cool. It should be room temperature, before assembly.
Wash peaches and slice, remove stone.
Layer the pan with half of the peach slices
crumble the cookies with your hands all over the top:)
Birch Life